Thursday, April 5, 2018

Peace, flag and a good cup of coffee

Like everyone else, there are many facets making up Larry Jelken. The photo in this post points out just a couple of them. Hope you enjoy today's effort.

This photo represents a couple of things that really are important to me. Well, three actually. The first one is a good cup of coffee. Now I'm not talking about that sweet stuff sold at Starbucks, or one of those so called coffee shops. I am talking about the kind of coffee you brew yourself. It really helps to get my day going.

The second thing is the flag. You see, I view myself  a Patriot. I spent 20 years of my life in the Air Force. In that time I took an oath to protect the USA and the constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic. It really pains me to see how the flag and the values Americans have always held so highly are being disrespected today. Do I believe the United States is perfect, without fault. No, not by any means. However, I have had the opportunity to travel a bit, and in my travels I have not found anyplace better then the good ole USA.

The third thing  in this photo important to me is a mighty and awesome God. You say, just where is God in this picture. I say he is everywhere in it. He provided everything in the photo. From the materials it took to make the cup, the coffee, the table, the flag, to the flowers and plants in the photo. Even the homes in the background and the asphalt of the roadway were provided by God. He is my rock and the anchor that keeps me stable when the seas of my life get a little rough.

So there you have it. You may say the reflection in the table top is a reflection of me. Just as the weather was on that day, I am pretty calm and serene at the moment, although, like the weather I can indeed become stormy at times.

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