Thursday, April 19, 2018

Mid April Snow

Here it is the 19th of April, 2018 and this is what we woke up to. A scene such as these are what people, young and old, hope for on Christmas morning. Yes, it is beautiful, but untimely. At this time of the year farmers are usually out in their fields preparing for planting. That ain't happening. Gardeners are cleaning up their beds and gardens, preparing to plant their vegetables and flowers. Signs of spring should be popping up all over. You know, things like tulips, daffodils etc. None of these things are happening.

Instead we are have these late spring snows which while beautiful are causing huge problems. Not just with agriculture, but it is devastating the bird population. Migratory birds that depend on insects, worms and berries are starving because their aren't any. It is sad to see literally hundreds of robins in one place foraging for the limited food that may be available. People all over the area are doing everything they can to help with the situation.

Hopefully, this will be short lived. We are supposed to be entering into a warming trend the next several days. Soon, we will be seeing signs of spring popping up all over. By July and August the late snows of spring will be just a memory and many people, such as myself, will be complaining of the heat and humidity of late summer.

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